Blue Dart has developed different tracking tools which can be integrated by business owners to track the consignment status. It offers both mobile and online tools which are listed below:
- InternetDart
- ShopTrack
- PackTrack
- MobileDart
- ShipDart
- ImageDart
Bluedart Business Solutions
The bluedart's business solutions are briefly described here
- InternetDart: It is one of the tracking tools which can be used to check the status of any package sent over the last 45 days. Business owners can merge this tool with their current system and can check the status of bulk consignments. This tool has many options like between dates and sender location which can be used to sort out the status of the couriers.
- ShopTrack: This is an API which can be used by the eCommerce portals to allow their customers to track the orders seamlessly without leaving their shopping portals. Without this API, customers have to leave the eCommerce portal and enter the order number on blue dart site to get the status. To provide an easy solution, this tool was developed which can be integrated by the business owners.
- PackTrack: This is a useful application program interface for the clients who are into logistics. The shipping process can be completely tracked from end to end. Right from collecting the packages, distribution and delivering everything is implemented in this tool. A valid account on the bluedart portal is required to implement this API on the client side.
- MobileDart: This is an automated SMS application where the customers can check the status of shipment by sending a simple message from their mobile. For current status, type T AIR WAYBILL number and for delivery status, I REFERENCE number and send the message to 56767.
- ShipDart: This gives customers a complete control over the shipment process. The movement of the packages can be easily known with the shipDart. Activities like picking up a parcel, packaging the parcel and delivering it can be tracked with this API.
- ImageDart: This serves as a proof of delivery. As of now only with the apex and air surface, the delivery proof is provided. Along with this, the consignee feedback is also shared with the customers. However, it will take at least two weeks to get the imageDart.

Blue Dart InternetDart Vs MobileDart
E-business solutions from Blue Dart Courier include InternetDart and MobileDart. Both of these distinct programmes have the same function of monitoring a courier's delivery status. Large company units manage their product tracking with the help of these solutions.
Blue Dart InternetDart
The flexibility of examining the delivery status of shipments delivered over the last 45 days is provided by Blue Dart InternetDart. This programme offers various ways to filter the tracking information and produce reports. For instance, by entering information such as a range of dates, a pick-up location, a destination location, and the service type, one may check the delivery progress. Additionally, the data can be filtered based on a package's delivery status, such as whether it was delivered or not. Business units can download the reports below and keep track of the courier's status.
- The current status and waybill numbers for each shipment dispatched over a specific time period.
- The ability to generate information on all shipments, both delivered and undelivered.
- Track all diverted shipments; report on packages that are not delivered and are returned to the origin location.
- To use this tool, customers must register with the blue dart courier service. Read up on the packTrack and shopTrack as well.
Bluedart MobileDart
The shipment status can also be tracked via Blue Dart MobileDart. However, because it's wireless, only mobile phones can use it. Customers are given the option to follow the cargo using the waybill number. Additionally, it gives clients the choice of receiving the tracking information by email or SMS. The following list includes more mobile dart characteristics.
- Location Finder: By entering the pin code, this tool allows users to find the blue dart branch in a specific area.
- Current Status: Type "T WAYBILL NUMBER" into your mobile message and send it to 56767 to receive the current status on your phone.
- Set SMS Notice: On your mobile device, type "I TRACKING NUMBER" and send it to 56767 to get an SMS alert once the package is delivered.
In conclusion, shipment tracking is done via both the internet and mobile phone applications. Blue Dart Internetdart, on the other hand, is utilised in desktop programmes, and Blue Dart mobiledart is used in smartphones. These are two distinct applications for the blue dart courier service that are used for cargo blue dart tracking.